Martes, Hulyo 9, 2013

Smile with Pink.

Psalm 5:11 

11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

(Change up your look with these tips using only one lip color!)

"pink" to "poppin' pink!"

Pink is a color that gives youthful glow when used on the lips. But did you know that you can glam up your everyday pink lips based on your mood? Here are the tips that I suggest for all pink lovers out there!

Happy and playful pink!

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Lunes, Hulyo 8, 2013

Everything's Normal, I guess?

Why am I convincing myself that I'm not afraid when I know that I'm scared to death?

"I'm not afraid of being alone"

 - when the truth is I can't even walk on the hallway of my school without a companion. without thinking that they are not looking at me, without those thoughts that people might be talking bad things about me.

"I'm proud on how I look like"

 - when the truth is I keep on hiding my body, afraid to be teased fat. Trying to hide my body with layers of clothes on no matter how hot the weather is. 

"I do like the new environment here."

 - hiding all my fear in embracing new places, new people to interact with. trying to know on how should I act. trying my best not to be awkward in front of them. 

It's better not to be noticed at all than to be judge for not who you are. 

I thought i'm fine, i'm okay. I thought I'm ready on being separated with the people I know for a long time. But no. I keep on convincing myself with those thoughts when my brain and heart is teaming up to tell me "no  you're not". Painful, too painful than blades that used to run over my skin.

It's not bullying.

New school! nice facilities, cool instructors, great quality of teaching. But don't ask me on how my classmates treat me. I'm not a loner. I had a friend.
 A friend.
 What makes me feel that I'm alone? It's because they don't treat me like i'm one of them. In fact, I feel that I'm being hated. I don't know why. I don't remember doing anything bad at my classmates. I'm trying to cope up with them. I'm really trying to. But every time I talk, no one listens to me. even when i'm trying to help. all my suggestions are being trashed away.  bakit ganun? lagi naman kaming magkasama ee, pero tuwing siya na yung kausap nila parang okay lang. pero bat pag ako kung hindi pambabara e parang nagsalita ako sa hangin? sana ako na lang yung may mali, sana hindi sa dahilan na sadyang ayaw lang nila sakin. 

Now it feels like waking up to get ready for studying.. just studying. with no friends that makes you excited to go to school.. no friends to talk about your cats cuddles and jokes to laugh about..

How do I survive Everyday?

Keeping myself busy! 
Brightening my morning by kissing and playing with my cats! I like bathing them, feeding them, playing with those furballs, and even dumping their smelly litters.
I hate vacant.  I don't like waiting for the instructors to come. I want my subjects loaded. That takes me away from my thought of being a wallflower. I never thought that I'd be inlove with programming. CODES CODES CODES and more CODES PLEASE ! I'm even happy when my instructors told us about upcoming quizzes. So excited on the prelims next week :3 AND WOW ! SAM GETS THRILLED WITH HER STUDIES AGAIN ! HOOORAY ! 

God will never leave me.. He will never let me give up on the trials I  have right now.. 

Comforting Bible verses that makes Sam Strong!

James 1:12
Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which [the Lord] has promised to those who love Him.
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it.
1 Peter 4:12
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;
Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose
Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Matthew 5:10-12
"Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when men cast insults at you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, on account of Me. "Rejoice, and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

(more bible verses about trials and tribulations here:<3


Sabado, Hulyo 6, 2013

Review: Local products! (HBC items)

Hello awesome readers! Welcome to my first review and this will be about products I purchased from a local beauty store here in the Philippines. Cheap and very affordable! So if you're a pinay on budget, you might find products that may caught your interest in this review. So keep reading!

(ATTENTION READERS!: I forgot most of the products price but i am assuring you that no products in here will cost  more than 300! So all of the products in my review cost from 100 to 200php)

Last Christmas, my aunt gave me a gift certificate from HBC. SO here are the products i Purchased:

  • 5pcs. Make up brush set (Allue)
  • Eyelash Curler
  • BB Cream (SanSan)
  • Lip Gloss (SanSan)
  • Gel eyeliner (SanSan)
  • 2 Blushes (Allue)
  • Lip Gloss (Allue)
  • 2 Eyeliner/Shadow sticks (Allue)
  •  Roll on Glitter Eye shadow (Allue)

SanSan BB cream

(written on the packaging)

Contains: Squalane, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins A-C-E and SPF 43

Lighten Dark Spots
Nourishes skin
Protects skin form sun damage
With Antioxidant

BB cream or Blemish Balm creams instantly becomes a demand on most beauty lines  . High end or drugstore brands consecutively released their own BB cream. Why this become a sudden interest? BB cream offers Light wear feel compare to liquid foundations. It also claims on giving the consumer lots of skin benefits. Vitamins, Anti oxidant, moisturize the skin, anti acne formula and etc. So finding a cheap BB cream that offer lots of benefits caught my interest. It's from SanSan. A local brand that can only be puschased on HBC(a local store). 

I'm surprised with the coverage it gives. It covers most of my problem areas like redness around the nose, acne scars, and even without a concealer this BB cream covers my dark circles. I honestly didn't expect that! for my skin, a light to medium coverage bb cream is a win. Though if you have acne or blemishes a little more pat of this product and they're gone! it sure is super light wearing and comfortable to the skin. It's sad that this bb cream only comes in one shade in my HBC store (Fairview Center Mall branch). And that shade is darker than my skin tone. So i need to use a setting powder that is 2x lighter than mine just to lighten the shade of the bb cream. I recommend this product if you are on the medium to tan skin tone. Great for most of pinay skin tone! I guess i under estimated this product ei?!

SanSan Lip Gloss

For a not-Lip-gloss-fanatic like me, the lightness of this product on the lips is a win! Not sticky at all. Very pigmented product as well. most of the problems I notice specially to glosses, it comes really bright and pretty on the packaging but once you apply it, the color is too sheer. All I can see is shine with no color at all! I didn't buy a colored gloss and expect it to act as the clear one. The one I purchased is a coral colored gloss. It got a bit of shimmer to it which makes it more reflective on the light but doesn't make it too sheer. I'm inlove with the color pay off it gives me. A perfect coral. The packaging is not bad too! its a mechanical gloss with a brush applicator. Twist the bottom part of the container and the product will come off the brush applicator on the top. Really easy to use!  BUUUUUT ! I don't recommend this product. No matter how much I want to use, I can't still stand the odor of this gloss. Its smells fruity on the packaging which attract me on buying it but once you applied it on the lips you might notice a chemical scent that you can taste as well. Which is a very bad thing for a gloss!

SanSan Gel Eyeliner

(swatches when product without warming it up)

This is the first gel eyeliner I bought from a local brand. I can say that I expected too much from this product. Staying power, two thumbs up for that. it doesn't comes off easily. Washing it with water and  soap won't help at all, so you really need to use an oil based make up remover to remove this product from your eyes. The longest time I wear it is 8 hours straight and I think it would stay more. The downside of this product is you really need patience on warming the gel before applying. Or else your eyeliner will have visible chunks from the product and of course no one likes that! So i'm suggesting of running the brush on the product until it became smooth and shiny. 
If you want a long wearing gel eyeliner but have no patience on warming it up. then this is not the product for you! there's a lot of gel liners out there that might suits you :)

Eyelash curler

Remember those type of eyelash curler that you used to have and hated for your entire life? Well, this is my entry for that. I don't recommend this one! There's a million of eyelash curler out there which is a lot better than this! It hurts you once you tried this out. It wont curl all your lashes andwhats worse is you'll lose some of your eyelashes! A BIG FAIL !

Roll on Glitter Eye Shadow (Allue)

If you're a fan of sparkles and glitters on your eyes, this might be the thing for you! The pigmentation of this product is awesome! I used to have another shade which is a pink one, same power and same awesomeness! You'll get the color that you see on the packaging. Packed with glitter and shimmers! The staying power was not that good so applying primer first is a must. Not bad at all!

Lip Gloss (Allue)

Using this lip gloss(on the shade of purple crumble) on your full lips might appear too reflective or sheer which I don't find pretty at all. It's nothing but shimmer and glitters. A swirl of blue, purple and peach, all on light color is too much for a full coverage. using this as a high lighter on the lips is the best way to use this. Apply a small amount on the middle of your lower lip and you're good to go :) The smell is sweet and fruity. Light wearing and non-sticky nor greasy.

Eyeliner/Eye Shadow pencil (Allue)

(left: Strikin' silver right: Beatin' black)

Compare to nyx Jumbo eye pencils these Pencils are dry. It can be smudgy when you warm it by brushing a brush multiple times. These pencil contains silver glitters to it. Pigmentation was not bad. I used it lots of times and I haven't encountered problems with it. It may smudge due to sweating sometimes. Applying a Primer is a must if you have an oily skin.

5pcs. Make up brush set (Allue)

NOT A PROFFESIONAL BRUSH SET. Bristles are not that soft. Short wand. But I still find purpose on this set. 
  • eyebrow brush: I used this for applying Wax based Brow products.  
  •  Lipbrush: Just like other lip brush I use.   
  •  Brow and eyelash comb: The same with other brow and eyelash cob. usable. 
  •  Eyeshadow brush: Good for blending on the crease. 
  • Blush brush: Too small to use for aplying a blush. I used this for applying highlighter on my cheeks.

Blush (Allue)

(upper swatches: Desert rose, Lower swatches: Peach pie)

I fell inlove with this blushes the first time I used it. I enjoy it so much compare to the other blushes I used. I got 2 of them in the shade of desert rose and peach pie. Both are great! I am even planning on buying the pink one. It may appear frosted and shimmery on swatches and packaging but once it touched the skin, the glitter is barely noticeable at all! The blushes are mixed by 2 colors. It can be used  at the same time by sweeping the brush on both color. It got a powdery scent and I have no problem with it. The texture's good too, not powdery and really smooth when you run your fingers over it. I'm recommending this to every one. It's hypoallergenic, safe for young and sensitive skin. 

Im gonnabe posting a picture soon with all the products used at the same time ! keep updated !


Eye am Monolid (eye make-up #3)

the third make up tutorial of the Eye am Monolid tutorials by pandanomnom :3
Hope you like this one!


(this is optional)
Before you apply any make-up on your eyes, put your lenses first!

Prime the lid.

Draw a hook-like outline on the outer crease with a shimmering brown shadow. Don't blend the color.

Using a darker shadow, draw a smaller hook-like outline inside the first outline you created (located on the crease). Don't blend.

Apply a gold shadow inside the smaller outline. Swipe the color on all the spare area inside the lid.

Using a gel/liquid liner, line the upper lash line.

Use the same shimmering brown shadow on lining the half of the lower lash line and apply the same gold shadow the center of the lower lash line. Intensify the look with a black liner to tightline and line your waterline.

Fill in your eyebrows. Curl lashes and coat them with a black mascara. 

(this is optional) 
to add drama on the eyes, apply a full or demi lashes. the thicker the better for this look :)

now enjoy you look!


Looking for a romantic and dramatic look? well here's my suggestion! A GoldInCoal look that would instantly make your eyes look sexy and dramatic. Really great for romantic dates with special someone and night outs.

(Sorry for the very poor lighting guys! T.T)

Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2013

Eye am Monolid (eye make up tutorial #2)

New eye make up tutorial I made for you awesome readers! A PURR-ple eye make up that i hope you'll enjoy and try. 

Apply eye primer.

Use a silver shadow on the inner corners of the eyes.
( I mixed the 2 color above to create a silver shadow. )

Apply the same silver shadow to highlight the browbone.

Swipe any purple shadow that you like on the crease area. Don't forget to blend the color.

Gently pat a light blue shadow ( I mixed the 2 shadows above to create a lighter blue color) above the purple shadow you just apply. Don't over blend or else the 2 color would mix and the depth you're trying to create won't show.

Try to make it look like this.

Line Upper lash line with a darker blue hue. Bring the color down on the half of your Lower lash line. make sure the 2 lines are connected.

Apply a black liquid/gel liner to line the eyes.

(this is optional)
Apply a silver glitter liner on the middle of the lower lash line to add sparkle on the eyes. 

Fill your eyebrows and the look is done!

Good Luck and God Speed :3

I know the eye make up I did was a little too much to wear on a daily basis. So I suggest to my awesome readers not to wear it for school or work. BUUUUUT , If you have the guts, then go out and wear this look! This look may definitely look awesome and pretty on prom and night outs. Super easy and very pretty on the eyes.

if you missed my first Eye am Monolid eye make up tutorial then click this <3 (everyday ulzzang eye make up)

Martes, Hulyo 2, 2013

Blog Update 06/02/13

Hello everyone! I've been busy with my studies these past few days so i'm not sure when will my next blog be posted. Hope that I can test the product I purchased this day so I can make a review about it asap. I'm also thinking about doing a tutorial on how do I do my brows and a tip on how to grow your brows thicker and faster. Keep on reading my future post awesome readers! :*